42 labels with stationery vocabulary in Spanish. They can be used as flashcards or assembled in a keyring for revision purposes. Perfect for a display too.
42 tarjetas con vocabulario del material escolar en español. Pueden usarse como tarjetas o con una anilla para repasar. Perfectas también para usarlas como pósteres en el aula.
A lovely card to wish a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. You could give it to your students before the go home for the holidays or get them to wish their families and friends a happy festivities. Available in Spanish, English and French.
Una tarjeta para desear una Feliz Navidad y un Próspero Año Nuevo. Disponible en español, inglés y francés. Se puede usar como un detalle con los alumnos o en clase para que ellos se la dediquen a alguien de su familia o grupo de amigos.
10 writing templates with 4 overlapping shapes to boost creative writing or practise vocabulary and grammar in languages lessons. The themes include:
-Food/eating out
-Television/Media/free time
Suitable for any subject and ages.
10 plantillas con 4 figuras superpuestas para promover la escritura creativa o practicar vocabulario y gramática en clases de idiomas. Los temas incluidos en las formas son:
-La casa
-Las vacaciones/el tiempo
-Los estudios/el instituto/el colegio
-La comida/comer fuera
-La televisión/El tiempo libre
-Las mascotas/los animales
-El verano/los helados
-La naturaleza/el medio ambiente
Un material pefecto para cualquier asignatura y edad.
The perfect activity to review/learn vocabulary animals, countries and continents in Spanish. Easily adaptable to other languages. It could also be used in a Geography lesson. Suitable for both primary and secondary students.
La actividad perfecta para repasar/aprender el vocabulario de los animales, países y continentes en español. Fácilmente adaptable a otros idiomas. Ideal tanto para primaria como secundaria.
A set of 10 stickers/cards to give out to students to praise their engagement and/or performance in Spanish lessons. Each one contains an idiom to boost their accuracy and cultural understanding.
9 templates to complete the profile of the main characters in Federico García Lorca’s La Casa de Bernarda Alba: Bernarda, La Poncia, Adela, Angustias, Magdalena, Martirio, Amelia, Pepe el Romano and Prudencia.
Each profile is divided in different sections:
Name and meaning, who is the character, character description, her/his role in the play, other important aspects and key quotes.
A very complete resource that can be used as an activity in class (we loved doing this in groups and presenting the characters) and after it is completed, as a revision material and a support when planning and writing essays.
9 plantillas para completar el perfil de los personajes principales de La Casa de Bernarda Alba, de Federico García Lorca: Bernarda, La Poncia, Adela, Angustias, Magdalena, Martirio, Amelia, Pepe el Romano y Prudencia.
Cada perfil se divide en diferentes secciones: Nombre y significado del nombre, quién es el personaje, descripción del personaje, su papel en la obre, otros aspectos importante y citas más relevantes.
Un recurso muy completo que puede usarse como actividad en clase (nos encantó trabajar en grupos rellenando los perfiles y presentando los personajes). Una vez completado, es perfecto como material de estudio y como apoyo al planificar y escribir los ensayos.
Worksheet based on an article from Super Pop, a Spanish teenager magazine. Perfect to encourage students to analyse, reflext and debate around gender stereotypes. At the same time, they will develop their speaking skills and learn many new idioms.
Una ficha basada en un artículo de la revista española Super Pop. Perfecta para analizar, reflexionar y debatir sobre una serie de estereotipos sexistas claramente identificables en el texto, a la vez que desarrollan sus habilidades lingüísticas y aprenden nuevas expresiones idiomáticas.
Ice breaker activity to get your students speaking in the first few lessons. It includes 30 different cards 20 different short sentences. Perfect to create a positive atmosphere for learning and to get to know your pupils better!
65 flashcards/posters with the key Spanish GCSE high frequency verbs in three time frames: past, present and future. Each flashcard/poster includes their translation into English and examples of the conjugated verb used in context.
A graphic organiser detailing the sections and grading for each exam in the new GCSE Edexcel examination for Spanish, French, and German. It includes information for all papers:
A black-and-white version is also included to minimise printing costs.
A worksheet on the topic of youth unemployment based on an article by Carlos G. Kindelán from ‘20 minutos’. It includes a graphic for students to analyse and a text followed by reading comprehension questions (labelling the paragraphs, finding the words with a given definition and summarising the text). It also includes a vocabulary bank to support students. Answers included.
Una ficha para trabajar el tema del paro juvenil y basada en el artículo de Carlos G. Kindelán para “20 Minutos”. Incluye un gráfico para que los estudiantes lo analicen seguido por preguntas de compresión lectora (etiquetar los párrafos con los títulos daods, buscar las palabras para ciertas definiciones y resumir el texto). También incluye un banco de vocabulario para apoyar a los estudiantes. Viene con respuestas.
An adaptable presentation to learn and recall vocabulary and grammar around the Day of the Dead festival. Perfect to practise translation of short phrases too, just add the contents in the boxes on the altar and get ready to learn and have fun!
Una presentación adaptable para aprender y repasar vocabulario y gramática haciendo referencia al Día de Muertos. También es perfecto para traducir frases cortas, solo tienes que añadir los contenidos en las cajas del altar y… ¡prepárate para pasarlo bien!
Scaffolded sentence building blocks designed to provide students with the necessary grammar and range of vocabulary to give detailed and complex answers in their speaking and writing GCSE Spanish exams. The questions match those of our Speaking Booklet (https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/gcse-spanish-speaking-booklet-edexcel-and-aqa-roleplay-photo-card-general-conversation-practise-12069685) and are organised by modules 1-8, following the structure of the Viva! Edexcel Spanish GCSE book. Each question is answered with a colour coded multiple choice word bank that includes higher structures, different tenses, idioms and a variety of vocabulary. The perfect resource to boost their confidence when developing their productive skills and when preparing them for the General Conversation part of the Speaking GCSE.
Easy to adapt and modify to suit your classes and curriculum.
The questions included in this document are as follow:
¿Tienes un trabajo a tiempo parcial? ¿Qué haces?
¿Qué planes tienes para el futuro?
¿Qué opinas de ir a la universidad? ¿Por qué?
¿Has hecho algunas prácticas laborales?
¿Son importantes los idiomas extranjeros en el trabajo?
¿Cuál sería tu empleo ideal / de tus sueños?
¿Cuál es más importante: el éxito profesional o el bienestar personal?
¿Eres muy ambicioso/a? ¿Por qué (no)?
A visual display to help students describe the weather in 3 tenses: present, imperfect and simple future. It could also be used as flashcards for revision. Available in English and Spanish.
Un display visual para que tus estudiantes puedan describir el tiempo en tres tiempos verbales: el presente, el imperfecto y el futuro simple. También se podría usar como tarjetas para repasar. Disponible en inglés y en español.
A double sided worksheet to create a debated around the current political climate and situation of the LGTBIQA+ community in Spain.
Based on a video from El Ministerio de Igualdad. It includes a range of tasks to practise audiovisual comprehension, translation and speaking. There are sentence starters for the speaking part and vocabulary banks for the translations, as well as a timeline with key dates for the LGTBIQA+ community in Spain. Answers included for translation and reading.
Classroom display on the Spanish Alphabet. It includes key words with their drawing for each sound. There is a slide gathering digraphs that can cause pronunciation misconceptions (ch, rr, gu, qu, ll).
Foldable template that includes 5 different idioms on the Topic Areas prescribed by the main GCSE Spanish boards so that students can score high grades. The 8 templates cover the Topic Areas of School, Family & Relationships, Food, drink & healthy life, Future aspirations, study & work, Local area, holiday &travel, Free time, Media and International & global dimension. Very useful also for A Level students. It is a perfect tool for revision as it can be folded and put into your pocket. It could also be given as prizes/ rewards! Video on how to form it provided too*! Enjoy! :)
Learning mat for the classroom with the same content is also included!
Scaffolded sentence building blocks designed to provide students with the necessary grammar and range of vocabulary to give detailed and complex answers in their speaking and writing GCSE Spanish exams. The questions match those of our Speaking Booklet (https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/gcse-spanish-speaking-booklet-edexcel-and-aqa-roleplay-photo-card-general-conversation-practise-12069685) and are organised by modules 1-8, following the structure of the Viva! Edexcel Spanish GCSE book. Each question is answered with a colour coded multiple choice word bank that includes higher structures, different tenses, idioms and a variety of vocabulary. The perfect resource to boost their confidence when developing their productive skills and when preparing them for the General Conversation part of the Speaking GCSE.
Easy to adapt and modify to suit your classes and curriculum.
The questions included in this document are as follow:
¿Adónde vas de vacaciones normalmente?
¿Cómo sueles viajar?
¿Cuánto tiempo pasas allí?
¿Dónde te alojas normalmente?
¿Qué te gusta hacer durante las vacaciones, por ejemplo durante el día?
¿Adónde fuiste de vacaciones el año pasado?
¿Cómo viajaste?
¿Cuánto tiempo pasaste allí?
¿Qué tiempo hacía?
¿Qué hiciste durante las vacaciones?
¿Cómo era el hotel / el pueblo / la ciudad?
¿Qué planes tienes para este verano?
6. ¿Por qué veranea tanta gente en el extranjero?
7. ¿Es importante aprender sobre otros países y otras culturas?
A worksheet based on Viva GCSE’s Punto de Partida 1 from module 8 ‘Hacia un mundo mejor’. It includes a range of activities for students to learn/secure their understanding of vocabulary to talk about types of housing and their location. They will also learn/review how to use the conditional to say what their ideal house would be like. Students will develop their grammatical understanding through translation and writing skills. Support and challenges are provided to cater for all abilities. Since answers are included too, this material is great for independent work both at home and at school.
Esta ficha incluye un abanico de actividades para introducir/consolidar vocabulario para hablar sobre los tipos de vivienda y su ubicación. Con este recurso también aprenderán a usar el condicional para decir cómo sería su casa ideal. Los estudiantes pondrán en práctica competencia gramatical a travéz de la traducción y escritura. Hay secciones con vocabulario y también otras con retos para apoyar a cada alumno, independientemente de su nivel. Puesto que las soluciones están incluidas, este material es genial para trabajar de forma independiente, tanto en casa como en clase.
A worksheet to drill one of the most important verbs in Spanish. It includes its conjugation in all tenses (both indicative and subjunctive), 16 idiomatic expressions used with this verb and a translation on the topic “La Memoria Histórica”. The translation follows the main A Level specification to work on the most common grammar structures. Answers are provided so students can self correct their own work. Once done, it constitutes a perfect revision material.